Bully Care Brigade
As many of us are fortunate enough to know, dogs have a natural ability to cheer people up and make us feel better. The Bully Care Brigade is a brand new program that will bring dogs of various ages, breeds, and sizes into care facilities such as hospitals and nursing homes, and other settings where people could benefit from our dogs’ joy and affection. A short visit with a friendly dog can go a long way, and we are excited to get started!
It is important to note that participation in Care Brigade events will vary by situation and your dog’s individual comfort level. The nature of some of these visits requires us to bring dogs into places filled with new sounds, smells, and people. This can be overwhelming for some dogs and cause them to become shy or fearful. Likewise, behaviors that are fun at home (i.e. playing with a tennis ball) may not be suitable for certain Care Brigade situations (i.e. if the ball is on the bottom of an elderly person’s walker).
Please email us at neworleansbulldogs@gmail.com if you would like to join!
Thank you,
New Orleans Bulldog Rescue